How to merge a nested list in Mongo document with another found in adjacent collection
Let’s consider a situation where you have two collections, houses and people. Each house has a collection of key holders, which link to the persons collection with their IDs. Key holders list also holds information when the key was given for the identified person. In bson, the situation in the database looks like this: { "houses": [ { "_id": ObjectId("5fba17c1c4566e57fafdcd7e"), "address": "Main street 1", "keyHolders": [ { "keyDelivered": "2022-02-02T02:02:02", "personId": "5fbb5ab778045a985690b5fc" }, { "keyDelivered": "2021-01-01T01:01:01", "personId": "5fbb5ab778045a985690b5fd" } ] }, { "_id": ObjectId("5fba17c1c4566e57fafdcd7f"), "address": "Broadway 3", "keyHolders": [ { "keyDelivered": "1993-03-03T03:03:03", "personId": "5fbb5ab778045a985690b5fc" } ] } ], "persons": [ { "_id": ObjectId("5fbb5ab778045a985690b5fc"), "name": "Jack Bauer", }, { "_id": ObjectId("5fbb5ab778045a985690b5fd"), "name": "James Bond", } ] } You can also do some mapping for the source list, for instance convert foreign keys from strings to ObjectIds. ...