To access the Syonology NAS ports outside of your local network, you need to set up DDNS, a wildcard certificate, and a reverse proxy to support HTTPS access.


Go to Control Panel / External Access / DDNS. Click Add.

Make the following selections:

  • Service Provider: Synology
  • Hostname:
  • Username/Email: <your email>
  • Password: <make it up>
  • Exteral address: no need to change

Wildcard certificate

Go to Control Panel / Security / Certificate. Click Add.

  • Select replace existing certificate
  • Select your Synology DDNS from the list
  • Select Get a certificate from Let’s Encrypt
  • Check “Set as default certificate” and click Next

Configure the Let’s Encrypt certificate lke this

  • Domain name:
  • Email: <your email>
  • Subject Alternative Name: * and click Done

Reverse Proxy

Open the Synology Control Panel and navigate to Login Portal / Advanced / Reverse Proxy. Then click Create to create a proxy.

Next, add a new rule for the proxy. Let’s use the rule to access Codeserver port with a subdomain hostname like

Set up the General tab configuration as follows:

  • Reverse proxy name:
  • Source Protocol: HTTPS
  • Source hostname:
  • Port: 443
  • Enable HSTS: checked
  • Access control profile: Not set
  • Destination protocol: HTTP
  • Hostname: localhost
  • Port: 8377

Set up Custom Header tab headers:

Header nameValue