How to bump version number on Git push for projects using npm

Note: This works only from command line as user feedback is needed from keyboard to know which part of the version number to bump. It should not break pushing from a GUI tool (e.g. TortoiseGit), but you will not be prompted to update the version number. The positive thing is that the version change is done neatly as a separate commit. Install husky as dev-dependency See instructions. Add the following script into new file .husky/pre-push ...

How to collect all npm licenses from multiple subdirectories with Powershell

Install license-report ( npm install -g license-report run the script Get-ChildItem -Directory | foreach { $_ >> ./licenses.csv ; license-report --output=csv --only=prod --package=./$_/package.json >> ./licenses.csv } You can use the same idea to run other stuff in subdirectories. Just replace the command. Here is an example of git pull. Get-ChildItem -Directory -Force -Recurse *.git | ForEach-Object { cd $_.Parent.FullName; Write-Host $_.Parent.FullName; git pull }

How to update a specified item in a nested array with Mongoose

In this blog post, we’ll go over how to update a specified item in a nested array inside a Mongoose document. ##Setting up the environment First, let’s set up the environment by creating a Mongoose schema and model. Here’s an example schema that has a nested array of items: const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const schema = new mongoose.Schema({ items: [{ name: String, quantity: Number }] }); const Model = mongoose.model('Model', schema); ##Updating a specified item in a nested array ...

How to Set Up a Codeserver on Synology NAS

Have you ever missed the VSCode on your tablet? Now there is a solution: run the VSCode on your NAS at home and access it with a browser. That will be possible when you run the Codeserver Docker container on your NAS. Before you do this, you probably want to set up a wildcard certificate and a proxy server on your NAS. That will enable you to access the NAS outside your local network using HTTPS. How to do it, check this: How to Set Up Wildcard Certificate and Reverse Proxy on Synology NAS ...

How to use ConfigService in NestJS in application bootstrap

You might want to access the configuration, for example to set the microservice configuration based on the values from the configuration service. One way to do this is to create an application context from the AppModule. const appContext = await NestFactory.createApplicationContext(BootstrapConfigModule) const configService = appContext.get(ConfigService) const SERVICE_PORT = configService.get('SERVICE_PORT') appContext.close() But a better idea is to use a “temporary” module to avoid double instantiation of the whole app. See a full example below. import { Module } from '@nestjs/common' import { ConfigService } from '@nestjs/config' import { NestFactory } from '@nestjs/core' import { MicroserviceOptions, Transport } from '@nestjs/microservices' import { AppModule } from './app.module' // Bootstrap configuration module is needed to avoid // doing the DI resolution twice @Module({ providers: [ConfigService], exports: [ConfigService], }) class BootstrapConfigModule {} async function bootstrap() { const appContext = await NestFactory.createApplicationContext(BootstrapConfigModule) const configService = appContext.get(ConfigService) const SERVICE_PORT = configService.get('SERVICE_PORT') appContext.close() const app = await NestFactory.createMicroservice<MicroserviceOptions>(AppModule, { transport: Transport.TCP, options: { port: SERVICE_PORT, }, }) await app.listen() } bootstrap() Why would you need to use the configuration service instead of process.env you might ask. Well, while that may work, it doesn’t offer any type safety or support for fallbacks. ...